Michael Canty
9 min readOct 23, 2022


Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever What's Next?

The defeat of Wakanda’s King and Black Panther T’Challa at the hands of his cousin N’Jdaka was not only an end of a promising and hopeful fate of the independent, cooperative Wakandan government but the beginning of an opportunity to examine what’s possible. After seeing Marvel’s Black Panther for somewhere around the 40th time, I realized there were so many stories to develop Marvel Entertainment must explore them. Although we know T’Challa became King and Black Panther again after finally overcoming his cousin in combat, we were led to ask even more questions about the future.
Producer and director Ryan Coogler’s thoughtful, humane and highly spiritual leadership on Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever is a surefire guarantee of a complex yet inspiring story with tentacles leading past, present and future fans to review their personal stake in the global (and human) condition.
While most people are character focused (Who will become the next Black Panther? Will Killmonger return?), I thought about T’Challa’s conversation in the Spirit Realm with his father T’Chaka explaining it was not his time because he needed to return home and "make things right" after dad’s decision to choose protecting Wakanda’s secret existence over the life of his nephew (N’Jdaka), his brother N’Jobu’s crimes and T’Chaka’s accidental murder of his brother. T’Challa knew his cousin should’ve been brought home and felt a deep responsibility to atone for his father’s errors. It isn’t a hard leap to conclude these decisions may be one of the reasons he turned towards violence to cope with what N’Jdaka percieved as his uncle’s rejection. Imagine knowing about Wakanda, your relationship to it and your connection in an advanced society while living in inner-city public housing, resource challenged and left to grieve your dad’s death alone. Considering the influence Marvel’s Black Panther had on global culture, human relationship, Blackness and race as a whole, "what’s next" is an important question to ponder. In preparation for the November 11 film release and a future Disney Plus series on more of Wakanda (produced by Coogler), let’s look at the questions we look forward to having answered:

1. We know T’Challa’s life is being celebrated. What caused his death?

The constant debate on whether to "recast T'Challa" was ignored in favor of adopting the rich story details in various versions of the comic book. Some could (and have) moved on putting another man in the vibranium-made suit of Wakanda's protector. Many of us need the "how" that has us celebrating his (and Chadwick Boseman's) inspirational life.

2. What happened in Wakanda during "The Blip"?

We saw T’Challa and Okoye turn to dust in Avengers: Infinity Wars. We saw them return with Shuri and M’baku (Avengers: Endgame) to conquer Thanos and his minions never to be seen again
(Sidenote: Real fans cried and cheered during this scene). Who was in charge? How did the Dora Milage keep their commitment to Wakanda’s king without it’s leader and the country’s general? Did this leadership void lead to the creation of the Midnight Angels?

3. Did T'Challa Marry? If So, What Will Happen To His Queen?

We know King T’Challa and new head of the Outreach Division of the Wakandan International Research Center (and expert Wardog) Nakia were embarking on a new form of love and relationship. One where the woman brought as much to the table as the royal ruler and protector. Did he put a ring on it? Are there any heirs to the throne? Nakia’s years of espionage experience and ascension to the throne would make her character arc most interesting. Comic book fans know the villain Malice evolved from the pain of the dissolution of T’Challa and Nakia’s relationship. Will there be a reason Nakia changes her name and allegiance becoming Wakanda’s most powerful enemy as she has the proximity to crush the natio from within?

4. What Did Queen Raimonda do during and after "The Blip"?

Imagine your son, king and country’s protector disappearing. Then your only daughter is gone. Then you realize your son’s fiance, the nation’s highest ranked General and head of the Dora Milage and half of Wakanda’s population are all gone under unexplained circumstances. At some point years later you learn about "The Blip". What did Queen Mother do? We can all speculate her ascension to the Wakandan throne. Did she have challengers? A trailer shows her sitting at the throne then speaking to a large group, (possibly the U.N.) Was she demanding an explanation for her losses? All I know is the voice of award winning actress Angela Bassett’s Queen Mother in a grief-loaded appeal expressing her losses sent chills up my spine. Remember Viola Davis' first Academy Award nomination came from a stunning, unforgettable ten minute performance in the movie Doubt.

5. Did The Gorilla Tribe Join The King’s Advisory Board?

We saw the Gorilla Tribe save the day combating the Border Tribe during King N’Jdaka’s short and nefarious rule. We saw them take up arms joining T’Challa and the rest of the Wakandan tribes against Thanos and his armies. (Avengers: Infinity War-we know what happened at the end)
We saw M’Baku return with the other Wakandan leaders and the missing half of Wakandans to smash Thanos (Avengers: Endgame) creating an Avenger’s mega-team. Who ruled the Gorilla Tribe during, "the Blip". Did they join the Wakandan Leadership Council? Begin to engage with the remaining Wakandan Tribes?

6. What Was The Fate Of The Border Tribe and It's General?

When W’kabi led the tribe in support of King N’Jdaka, he ended up kneeling in surrender to his wife, head of the Dora Milaje, General Okoye. What was W’kabi’s fate? What happened in in their marriage?

7. Who Will Assist Shuri & Nakia As They Assume Global Leadership Roles?

What happened when the Wakandan International Outreach Center was finally established in the heart of Chicago replacing those housing projects? Shuri was head of Science and Technology while Nakia oversaw Social Outreach.
That’s a whole season of Disney Plus episodes, to say the least.

8. Who Is In Charge Of the Wardogs & Wakandan Spies all over the world?

Under King N’jdaka, they were going to introduce Wakandan weapons to the larger community by taking by force their rightful place in a colonized (anti-African) world. During "The Blip," what did they do? Where did their orders come from? What were they tasked to do?

9. Is Erik Stevens/N’Jdaka/Killmonger Alive?

T’Challa’s first cousin (and former King) wanted to die the same way as his ancestors; free as they were being brought west, they chose death by jumping overboard. One of Marvel’s greatest anti-heroes (and snubbed Academy Award performances) never to be seen again? I say no. The Black Panther is also Ruler of The Dead, able to contact any Wakandan ancestor. Although it will not be enough for this fan, he must have some influence on remaining Wakandan leaders. If we saw him in Disney Plus' upcoming, "Secret Invasion" and Avengers upcoming film "Secret Wars", I may get some relief from my grief and sense of loss concerning the character’s arc.

10. How Will Wakanda Handle Public Knowledge of It's Existence And Political Reaction To Vibranium?

In Black Panther, an end credit cliffhanger scene documents the moment T’Challa stood before the leaders of the world with the intention of revealing the power and value of the Wakandan nation. We have no knowlege of how government relations were impacted. Some have implied Victor Von Doom (or Dr. Doom as we refer to him) has been trying to get vibranium even if it means starting a war under false pretenses between Wakandans and Talocans. What about the Wakandan International Center’s influence on the world?

11. What Will We Learn About RiRi Williams aka Ironhart?

The first time we get a glimpse of the woman who was hailed as, “The New Iron Man”, Riri Williams is seen in the movie trailer sharing a moment of camraderie with Shuri in her lab. Known to be a student a M.I.T., the woman who eventually names herself Ironheart was brought to Wakanda. Why? Imagine two of the MCU’s genius level minds joinimg forces. Whats her connection to Tony Stark? Some have blamed her for creating an invention bringing negative attention (and possibly war) to Wakanda. This film will introduce us and her future series will explain everything. Teaser: Riri is a member of an M.I.T. student body that includes (but is not limited to) Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and Ned Leeds to name a few.

12. Can Wakanda Set A New Leadership Example In So Much Turmoil?

Its kinda difficult establishing leadership bonafides when your in turmoil with world powers and at war with the Talocans. What will Wakandans do to establish global leadership? We annot find out soon enough.

13. Are Wakandans And Telocans
Really Enemies?

What happens when two cultures both physically and technologically advanced possess a sense of self rooted in the knowledge and pride of their history? When their sense of violence is retaliatory and or protective, what created their hostility toward each other? Is this another case of how mis(or dis)information creates havoc and a demand for courageous acts from wise rulers?

14. Where Is Ororo Munroe aka Storm?

All comic book fans know Storm spent time as Queen of Wakanda. Since T’Challa has passed on, Marvel will have to find an original way of introducing her in the MCU. A cameo of Ororo supporting Wakandan forces against the film’s true antagonist would be bigger than Wanda Maximoff’s role in Dr. Strange 2 and equally as satisfying.

If this movie answers all these questions while opening new doors for Wakanda and the MCU, there will be quite a battle during Academy Award season.



Michael Canty

Race, Culture, Leadership & Passion Coach, Creator of weRwideopen, Politics Is Not A Bad Word, MoviesMusicTV & TodayOnThisDay: Meditations To Live and Love By